October 2022 - Pest

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Have you noticed a few ants in your home? This can be a cause for alarm because ants are super organized and will leave a trail for other ants to follow if there is food and shelter. This means your home can soon be infested with ants if you don’t deal with them right away.

But, with so many ant-killing options on the market, you might be wondering what’s the best solution.

If you have pets you need to take extra precautions when using any ant killers, because the harmful ingredients can be dangerous for mammals, including your cats and dogs. That’s why we are discovering the top 5 pet-safe ant killers that will help you eliminate pests and keep your furry friends safe.

Ant killers

What Are Pet Safe Ant Killers?

With so many ant repellents and ant-killing solutions on the market, it’s hard to decide which one is the most efficient but at the same time safe for your pets. Luckily there are many options with safe ingredients you can use in your home and garden, but it’s always a good idea to monitor the baits and traps, and prevent accidental ingestion by your pets.

Here are a couple of ingredients that are considered natural or safe for your pets:

If you see those ingredients on the list chances are the product is safer for your pets, although always follow the instructions and never let your pets eat the ant killers.

Some ingredients such as Hydramethylnon, Bifenthrin, and Thiamethoxam should be avoided because they can cause excess salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, and skin irritation. Most of the time even those ingredients are safe in smaller quantities, so all you need to do is monitor or restrict your pet from the infested area.

Top 5 Pet Safe Ant Killers

Terro Ant Killer Bait Station

The Harris Diatomaceous Insect Killer

MDXconcepts Organic Pest Spray

Syngenta – Optigard Ant Bait Gel

EcoRaider Ant Killer

Terro Liquid Ant Baits are an excellent choice for killing household ants without harming your pets. This ant killer comes in ready-made, plastic bait stations that can be placed near ant trails or in ant-infested areas. The bait is easy to open and set up, and you don’t need to worry about the mess.

Terro liquid ant baits contain Borax as the main ingredient. It’s not the most natural and safest option, but it’s safe enough to have around your pets, just make sure they don’t ingest it in large quantities.

It doesn’t kill ants right away, but it slowly kills their digestive systems, giving them time to return to the bait a few more times. After trying the bait, ants take a dose of forage back to the nest, which contributes to bait spreading and circulating within the ant colony, killing even the insects you can’t see.

Diatomaceous Earth powder is one of the best and most natural solutions for ants, roaches, silverfish, and bed bugs. The Harris Diatomaceous Earth killer is especially effective and comes in a convenient puffer bottle for easy application.

The Diatomaceous Earth powder will dry out the exoskeleton of all insects that come in touch with it and destroy entire colonies in a matter of days. Keep in mind that you should re-apply the powder for the best effects, but rest easy because your pets are completely safe.


MDXconcepts Organic Pest Spray is a completely organic and safe solution based on natural ingredients such as essential peppermint oil. This spray will act as an ant repellant and disrupt the trail they leave behind for other ants to follow.

In addition, this spray can deal with smaller infestations and kill ants because it contains sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS, best known as liquid soap. While it might not be the most effective solution on the list, it’s one of the safest that you can use even in your kitchen.

Optigard Ant Bait Gel is one of the most popular and effective solutions on the market that will help you deal with ants. The packaging resembles a syringe and you need to apply a couple of drops on the trail where you notice the ants.

The Optigard ant bait gel contains Thiamethoxam .010% and it will take some time and practice for the right application and full effect on the ants. But, it’s considered safe for dogs and cats, as long as they don’t ingest too much of the solution.

The EcoRaider Ant Killer is a natural ant repellent and killer that will disrupt their trails and kill most of the ants that are already in your home. While this spray will deal with ants it’s completely non-toxic to humans, cats, dogs, and other pets you might have.

It’s also good to know that this spray is going to kill ants naturally, but it’s strong enough to deal with fire ants also. It’s easy to apply but some people might be overwhelmed by the citrus smell, on the other hand, the scent will protect your home for a long time.

Call Ant Exterminators

The solutions we mentioned in this detailed article will help you deal with ants and keep your pets safe, but if the infestation is severe you should call the professionals. Ants are very persistent, cause property damage and even have painful bites, so you should deal with the infestation as soon as possible.

Once you choose one of the top picks we made for you make sure to follow up with all the baits and traps, and ensure the colonies are completely eradicated.

Bed bugs are one of the most common and persistent pests you might encounter in your home, but do you know exactly what bed bugs look like?

We’ve all heard about itchy bites and sleepless nights caused by bed bugs, but have you actually seen one in person? There are a few bugs that resemble bed bugs, therefore we offer a full guide to assist you to recognize them.

Identification is critical for successful pest management because it is important to use the right tools and methods for the right pests.

Photo of bed bugs

What Does an Adult Bedbug Look Like?

Because bed bugs are extremely sneaky and small, you might have to use glue traps or interceptors to catch a few before determining the extent of the infestation. 

Adult bed bugs are distinguished by the following characteristics:

Bed bugs, due to their size, may hide in any nook and crevice conceivable. Your bed, mattress, bedframe, walls, and floors are all examples of this. However, unlike roaches, bed bugs do not establish colonies and instead live in tiny groups scattered around your bedroom.

This can make it difficult to notice the actual bed bugs, and if you have a lot of itchy bites in the morning, you might suspect you have an infestation.

What Do Nymphs Look Like?

Young bed bugs are also called nymphs and they are slightly different looking than adult bed bugs. You can recognize the nymphs for their pale almost translucent color

Even though they are even harder to notice the nymphs will hide in your bed and soon be mature enough to feed. Once they have a blood meal their bodies will change color from bright red to brownish in time.

Nymphs develop in several stages, and it will take a couple of days for the adult bed bugs to be fully developed. But, this means the infestation can become severe in a matter of weeks, so it’s best to contact the exterminators as soon as you notice any signs of bed bug infestation.

What Do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like?

Bed bug eggs are the hardest to find and identify primarily because they are the size of a pinhead. Additionally, the pearl-white color of bed bug eggs has made them practically invisible to humans.

Keep in mind though, just because you can’t find the eggs doesn’t mean they are not there and that you stopped the infestation. Bed bugs demand persistence and the right tools to be completely eliminated.

Bed bug life cycle.

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

If you want to confirm that you have a bed bug infestation and you now know what bed bugs look like, you should focus on their hiding spots. As previously said, bed bugs are so small that they can make any tiny location their home, and because they prefer to be near to their meal, or in this case, you, they are most likely lurking in the mattress or your bed.

Here are a few locations you should look for bed bugs:

Use a strong flashlight to examine all the hiding places, and put an interceptor trap under your bed to capture specimens and confirm the infestation.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

Bed bug traps under the bed.

Now that we are familiar with bed bug appearance and you had a chance to see a few bed bug photos it should be easier to identify them. Once you are sure you are dealing with a bed bug infestation here are a couple of ways to manage it and completely eliminate the pests from your home:

  1. Use interceptor traps
  2. Set up a few glue bed bug traps
  3. Vacuum and clean your mattress
  4. Spray all surfaces with the bed bug-killing spray
  5. Use specialized laundry detergents
  6. Call professional exterminators

Bed bug infestations are not to be taken lightly, and the best results are often achieved if you react immediately. In the beginning, you can set up a few interceptors and glue traps, to confirm the infestation, lower the number of bites you get each night, and evaluate the severity of the infestation.

Additionally, there are also great eco-friendly solutions on the market that will kill all the bed bugs in your bed, sheets, furniture, and mattress without harsh chemicals. This way you can be sure your family is safe and the bed bugs are completely eradicated.

In case the infestation is severe and you can’t manage the bed bugs on your own it’s always a good idea to call professional help and rely on exterminators for help.


Bed bugs are persistent and very resilient creatures that can hide in the smallest crevices in your bed, mattress, walls, and furniture. With our detailed guide, you now know how bed bugs look and where to find them.

And with additional tips and tricks, you will end the infestation faster and more efficiently.

It’s a well-known fact that bed bugs interrupt your good night’s sleep, but are they also active during the day, and if so how to find them when the sun is out?

This article will help you confirm and evaluate the bed bug infestation as well as teach you valuable tips and tricks you can use to find them during the day.

So, if you are tired of waking up with itchy bites every morning, let’s get rid of the pesky bed bugs once and for all.

Finding bed bugs.

Where Bed Bugs Hide During the Day?

Bed bugs love to stay close to their next meal, and unfortunately, that means they will stay in your room, bed, and mattress and wait for you to come. Bed bug evolution allowed them to create feeding patterns that are compatible with hosts so they will bite you while you sleep.

On the other hand, bed bugs will hide during the day and wait for the next best opportunity. 

Considering how small and flat they are, bed bugs are the hiding places are unlimited, and anywhere is good enough as long as they are close. The bed bugs also don’t form colonies and nests like cockroaches, so you can find smaller groups all over your home.

Most of the time you can find bed bugs during the day on:

  • Your sheets and pillows
  • The mattress and bed frame
  • Every seam and label
  • Furniture, covers, and blankets
  • Nooks and crannies in the wall and floor
  • Electrical sockets

Bed bugs mainly stay hidden during the day because there is no temptation or host to feed on, but if you decide to take a nap you will most likely have the opportunity to capture some adult bed bugs.

Do Bed Bugs Feed During the Day?

Bed bugs are considered nocturnal creatures, meaning they mostly feed during the night. But, that doesn’t mean they don’t bite you during the daytime naps. 

Bed bugs are attracted to the heat our bodies emit and the carbon dioxide we exhale, so they are not particularly picky about the time of the day when they are hungry. The only reason why so many bed bug bites occur during the night is that the host is most likely lying still and sleeping. This means undisturbed feeding time for the bed bugs.

Their feeding habits as the researchers suggest are based on instinct and food availability, so whenever you as a host are around some bed bugs will try to bite you.

How to Find Bed Bugs During the Day?

Now that we are familiar with the eating habits and the hiding places of bed bugs it’s easier to locate them even during the day. Keep in mind that sometimes daylight is not enough to discover small bed bugs and the microscopic traces they leave behind, so use a flashlight.

Looking for bed bugs in the mattress.

Here are a few suggestions to find bed bugs during the day:

Follow Bedbug Tracks

Bed bugs might be small but the marks they leave behind can be quite distinctive. Most of the time you will notice blood stains on your sheets from bites and squished bed bugs. This can help you confirm the infestation and even find the most populated hiding places.

In addition to blood stains, bed bugs leave dark feces and small clear bed bug eggs, so make sure to look closely for clues.

Inspect the Bed

The previous step will take you one step closer to confirming that you are dealing with bed bugs, and also provide you with enough clues for the next step – inspecting the mattress. 

Your comfortable and clean mattress is the perfect hiding place for bed bugs. They will hide in the seams, under the mattress cover, in the baseboard, and anywhere in between. Use the flashlight to take a closer look, inspect all the edges and make sure to include all the potential hiding places, no matter how small they might look.

Check the Bedbug Traps

One of the best ways to confirm the bed bug infestation, lower the number of bites you get each night, and capture them even during the day is to use bed bug traps. The most efficient are interceptor traps and sticky traps with adhesive.

Interceptor traps are placed under each bed leg and they capture all the bed bugs that want to climb into your bed to feed. During the day it’s even easier to see all the bed bugs caught in these pitfall traps, to clean them, and set them under the bed once again.

As for the glue traps they work amazingly for all the bed bugs that might be hiding in the mattress, bed, and bed frame. These sleek and easy-to-use traps will help you capture all the night crawlers and get rid of them the next day.

A hand placing a glue bed bug trap under the bed.

Look in All the Hiding Places

If the infestation is severe the hiding places that bed bugs choose during the day will expand. You will be able to find them in the holes in the floor, nooks in the walls, behind the wallpapers, and even in sockets. 

Finding bed bugs during the day in places that are not on the bed, mattress, or close to it means you are dealing with a serious infestation. At this point, it’s best to rely on professional pest control and deal with the pests in the most efficient way.

Setting up traps and dealing with bed bugs on your own is completely reasonable and possible, but some severe cases do need additional help from exterminators.

Are you dealing with a spider infestation?

Before you consider selling your home we have a couple of solutions that will help you get rid of spiders and other pests fast. Spiders might be one of the most common pests you find in US homes, but that doesn’t make them any more desirable. 

So, if you want to learn how to kill spiders, and keep your home bug-free, stay tuned to the end, as we have only the best tips and tricks of the trade.

Picture of a spider.

Common Types of Spiders

There are over 50,000 spider species, but only a few of them are commonly found in households. Most of the time spiders are not interested in humans and they are pretty harmless, but there are a few venomous species you should stay away from.

Here are some of the most common spiders you can encounter:

  • Brown Recluse
  • Wolf Spider
  • Yellow Sac Spider
  • Black Widow
  • Hobo Spider
  • Jumping Spider
  • Grass Spider

Depending on the climate and your location different spiders can find your home a perfect place to live and procreate. Before getting rid of spiders it’s a good idea to get familiar with the species so you can avoid the dangerous ones and leave the severe infestation to professionals to handle.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Spiders

Spiders love to invade homes because there are plenty of dark and secluded places to hide and the food supply is endless if you have other pests such as ants, moths, or flies. But, even though not all spiders are dangerous, you should get rid of them as soon as possible.

Here are the best ways to deal with a spider infestation:

1. Remove Cobweb

As soon as you notice the fine cobwebs in your home or even on your porch you need to remove them. It’s best to use a strong vacuum cleaner and avoid contact with spiders.

After you remove the cobweb apply some type of eliminator spray that will prevent spiders from making new webs and protect you long-term.

2. Set Up Glue Traps

Spiders and other crawlers in your home can easily be caught in high-quality glue traps. They are easy to assemble and place in the right spot, and if you choose the right ones there is no fear of pesticides or any other harmful chemicals.

As a bonus, you can capture many different bugs with glue traps, including roaches, ants, and other pests.

Spider traps.

3. Use Spider-Killing Sprays

If the spider infestation is severe and you need an instant solution that will kill all the spiders and protect your home from re-infestations there are a few spider sprays on the market.

Considering the spider killing sprays are strong, always follow the instructions on the packaging and use only reputable brands.

4. Repel Spiders

Spiders have keen senses and this is one of the reasons why they don’t tolerate lemongrass, rosemary, or citronella essential oils. This means that spider repellents with a combination of natural ingredients and scents can be your best choice to prevent re-infestation.

So, once you manage the infestation and you are sure all the spiders are gone you should protect your home and property with a few cleverly placed repellents and traps.

5. Call Pest Control

If your spider or pest infestation is out of control, or you simply don’t want to deal with it, it’s always a good idea to hire expert exterminators. It’s not always easy or even safe to capture all the spiders in your home considering some species can be quite dangerous. 

This is one of the reasons to rely on a reputable and experienced team of professionals that have the tools and the knowledge needed to deal with any pests safely and efficiently.

Photo of a spider and its web.

Final Thoughts

To recap, there are many spider species that love your home, but be careful as some of them can be quite dangerous. With our detailed list, you now have the knowledge and the right tools to use to end the infestation and even protect your home from spiders long-term.

If you consider the infestation to be severe or you are dealing with some venomous spiders it’s always a good idea to hire professional teams of exterminators. They have just what you need to efficiently get rid of all the pests in your home.

Fleas might be very common but do you know what fleas look?

To properly deal with any pest infestation, it’s crucial to determine what is the insect that’s bugging you. While roaches are easily detected and confirmed, fleas and other tiny pests often leave just a few clues and endless itching bites.

If you want to find out what fleas and flea bites look like, as well as the best ways to get rid of fleas from your home keep on reading.

Picture of a flea.

What Do Fleas Look Like?

Fleas are small and flat insects without any wings, but they move around quite easily using their strong hind legs. While fleas might be common and very annoying, they are very hard to spot considering their size of 1⁄16 to 1⁄8 inches.

Adult fleas are brown or reddish in color, and mostly live on furry animals such as dogs and cats, but they are also found on raccoons, squirrels, and rodents. Dog fleas and cat fleas can easily find human blood irresistible when they are hungry and you will have multiple bites when you encounter a flea infestation.

Fleas in the house are often brought by your pets, especially cats and dogs that pick them up outside, but you might pick up some fleas on the grass or in someone’s home. They are notoriously fast and persistent, and their small size allows them to hide very well. Most of the time people suspect they might have a flea infestation when they notice a few itchy bite marks.

What Does a Flea Infestation Look Like? 

Even when the infestation is severe, it is difficult to confirm a flea infestation by seeing an adult flea hopping around. Most likely, you may detect itchy bite marks on your legs and ankles, as well as irritated pets.

So, even if you don’t see any fleas, it’s critical to act quickly and treat the infestation while it’s still manageable. Just because fleas are considered less hazardous than some other pests you shouldn’t leave this infestation unchecked.

What Do Flea Bites Look Like?

Flea bites usually appear right away and look like small, red bumps on the skin with a pinkish halo. They are notoriously itchy but not to be mistaken with bed bug bites that appear several days after the bugs bite you.

Flea bites depend on the location and the host, considering they are less likely to be found on furry pets than on human skin. Keep in mind that fleas usually bite “in rows” and leave a train of bites in the same area.

If your pets are scratching more than usual and you see pepper-like flakes on their skin under the fur you are most likely dealing with a flea infestation.

Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas

Fleas might be amazing jumpers and super fast in reproduction, but there are ways you can get rid of fleas efficiently. Let’s mention a few:

1. Use Flea Traps

A flea infestation might be terrifying to discover, but with a few cleverly placed flea traps you can lure and capture the pests from all the hiding places. Flea traps are easy to use and apply, and the strong glue in them will capture all the insects that might be crawling around your home.

The traps are perfectly safe for your family and pets, but they are deadly efficient on pests.

2. Use Specialized Sprays

There are many amazing and gentle flea sprays on the market that you can use on every surface in your home, including furniture, and pet beds and some are even safe for pet skin as well.

When dealing with any type of infestation, it’s critical to thoroughly clean and treat every part of your home where the bugs may be lurking. This will prevent unwanted re-infestation and keep your home bug-free for a longer period of time.

3. Treat Your Pets

Most of the time fleas either come from your pets or make their fur permanent habitat, because it’s dry and warm and there is plenty of food. This is why when dealing with fleas you should treat your pets with specialized shampoos that kill fleas and flea eggs.

The shampoos are also effective on ticks, so you will get rid of multiple pests at the same time and help your pet feel better quickly. Make sure you always choose reliable and safe brands and follow the directions to treat fleas faster.

Pet flea treatmant

4. Manage the Fleas in Your Yard

Once you clean your home it’s time to get rid of all the fleas that might be hiding in your yard, especially if you have trees, bushes, and grass surfaces. 

With the help of strong and effective outside flea sprays, you can kill all the pests and ensure proper pest management and control.

5. Call Professionals

If the infestation is severe and you can’t seem to manage the pests on your own it’s a good idea to call professional exterminators and rely on their expertise. There are amazing teams in your area with the right tools and methods to help you deal with any infestation including fleas, roaches, bed bugs, and more.

Photo of a flea.

Final Thoughts

Fleas may be little, but they are vicious biters who seek human and animal hosts. Because fleas may readily move from your pets to the rest of your home, it’s important to understand what fleas look like and how they behave.

When you are familiar with pests it’s easy to choose one of the solutions mentioned above or rely on pest control for the best results.

Bed bug interceptors are one of the most popular solutions when it comes to dealing with bed bugs but do bed bug interceptors really work?

A lot of people dealing with bed bugs are prepared to try any method they hear about, but they are not all effective. That’s why we’ll discover the unique and simple interceptor traps as well as their effect on the bed bug infestation.

Keep on reading to find out more and eliminate bed bugs from your home permanently.

Photo of a bed bug interceptor.

What Is a Bed Bug Interceptor?

Bed bug interceptors are durable and effective plastic cups that go under each bed leg and capture all the bed bugs that climb in.

Bed bug interceptors might look simple but they are very the most reliable way to catch bed bugs that are trying to get to you. Considering bed bugs hide in different places in your room and wait for the night to fall to feed on your blood, there is a good reason why interceptor traps are a good solution.

When hungry bed bugs want to climb into your bed they are able to get into the interceptors but they are not able to come out. The smooth plastic on the inside of the interceptors is not an ideal climbing surface for poor climbers such as bed bugs. 

Thus, they remain in the trap until you remove them.

Do Bed Bug Interceptors Work?

Yes, bed bug interceptors are one of the most effective tools you can use to detect, manage and eliminate bed bugs from your home. The interceptor traps are very easy to place under each bed leg and they are very durable considering they are made from high-quality plastic.

The design makes them the perfect companion when you are dealing with pests such as bed bugs, and with a few more glue traps you will be well on your way to managing the infestation.

You can use the bed bug interceptors to:

How to Use Bed Bug Interceptors?

It is really simple to use the interceptor cups; just follow this full guide and you will see the effects very quickly. 

Here is what you need to do:

Place the interceptor traps

Bed bug interceptor traps should be set beneath bed posts. Each post should be covered with a one-bed insect trap, however, the bed should not be resting against any walls or other furniture.

Furthermore, the sheets, bedding, and other bed accessories must be removed from the floor to prevent bed bugs from climbing.

Assess the infestation

Interceptor traps can show results in a few hours, but it’s always a good idea to leave them overnight and use the bed to maximize the effects. This way the hungry bed bugs will try to climb in to feed and get trapped in the interceptor instead.

The number of bugs in the interceptor can confirm the infestation and also the severity of such. If there are many bugs caught you are probably dealing with a large infestation and you should rely on professional pest control.

Clean the traps

One of the best features interceptor traps have are that they are reusable. You can clean and place the traps under your bed all over again and do so until the infestation is eliminated. Simply wash your interceptor cups with warm and soapy water and they are ready to be used again.

Manage the pest infestation

Now that you know the severity of the bed bug infestation you can deal with it in the best way possible. 

Here are a couple of suggestions:

Bed bug traps under the bed.

So, Are Interceptor Traps Effective?

Yes, interceptor traps are one of the most effective yet simplest solutions you can use to manage bed bug infestations. The interceptor pitfalls are cleverly designed to allow the bed bugs to climb in but not out of the trap, making them one of the best tools on the market.

The interceptors will help you confirm and manage the infestation, but if there are many bed bugs each morning, you should consider contacting exterminators in your area and relying on professional help.

If you want to find the best ways to get rid of silverfish permanently, we have just the tools, tips, and tricks you need. 

Silverfish are one of the most common pests in the United States along with roaches and bed bugs. The tiny crawlers are silent killers of anything containing cellulose so they can cause quite the damage if the silverfish infestation is left unchecked.

So, let’s find out more about this persistent pest and find out how you get rid of silverfish once and for all.

Photo of a silverfish

What Is a Silverfish?

A silverfish is a little, wingless, silvery, carrot-shaped insect that you may encounter in your house. They resemble scaly fish and have antennas on their backside, making them unsightly.

Because silverfish are nocturnal, they will feed and reproduce at night and hide in tight, damp locations during the day. They prefer to congregate in high-humidity areas such as restrooms, basements, and laundry rooms.

Silverfish may be little, but they are quick and persistent. They do not feed on human blood like bed bugs, but they will devour anything containing cellulose and protein, such as books, clothes, and furniture.

So, finding the correct instruments to combat infestation and responding quickly is critical.

Why Do You Have Silverfish in Your Home?

Silverfish are resourceful creatures and they find our homes comfortable enough to live there for a long time. Silverfish are not picky eaters and will eat even the glue that holds your wallpapers, so they will find something to sustain them. In addition, silverfish need high humidity air to survive, which conveniently a lot of bathrooms, basements, and attics have.

So, a silverfish bug might find your home to be the perfect spot if there is:

  • Enough starchy food including books, furniture, glue, and opened food containers
  • High levels of humidity
  • Tight places to hide

Silverfish are not a serious threat to your health, but your property and valuable items are at risk. It’s also not a pleasant sight to see something fast and shiny crawl through your home, so let’s find the best solution for this infestation.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish?

Now that you’re aware of silverfish behaviors and basic information, you may be asking how to deal with a silverfish infestation. Fortunately, even though silverfish are little and hide during the day, there are several excellent traps and solutions you can employ to eliminate an infestation.

Use a Dehumidifier

First things first, you need to get rid of moisture and humidity. 

This can include repairing all the pipes and leaks but also investing in high-quality air dehumidifiers. These specialized machines will suck out the moisture from the air and make it less likely for silverfish to thrive and reproduce.

When the air is drier and you take the measures we recommend, the silverfish will flee your house in search of a better dwelling environment. Silverfish cannot survive in dry air, and you may even get rid of other pests that thrive in humidity, such as cockroaches.

Dust Diatomaceous Earth Powder

If you are looking for a way to get rid of silverfish naturally, the Diatomaceous Earth powder might be just the thing you need. This fine powder will dry out the exoskeleton of silverfish and other pests that come into contact with it, dehydrating them to death.

Make sure you apply the Diatomaceous Earth powder to all the nooks and crannies silverfish might hide in, and use long nozzle applicators to reach those places with ease.

Set up Traps

Using sturdy glue traps is one of the finest ways to control and completely eliminate silverfish from your house or apartment.

Silverfish traps that are eco-friendly and simple to deploy ensure that the pests are attracted to their demise. Glue traps’ strong and high-quality adhesive will cling to any insect that walks over it.

Set up many traps around your home, especially if you live in a high-humidity location. This way, you will be able to confirm the infestation and collect a large number of silverfish bugs that are hidden in various locations. Silverfish glue traps are also an excellent tool for evaluating the efficiency of other approaches such as sprays and powders since you should notice fewer bugs each time you put up a new trap.

Setting up silverfish traps

Hire Professionals

If you think you are unable to tackle the infestation on your own, or just prefer to rely on experts, there are several teams in your region that you can call. Professional exterminators will promptly deal with the silverfish in your home using specialized equipment, tactics, and years of expertise.

Are you waking up with itchy bed bug bites every morning and looking for the most effective way to get rid of them? Don’t worry, you are not alone, millions of people struggle with bed bug infestations so we decided to list the best bed bug traps – that work!

It’s always a good idea to use the traps listed below as soon as you notice early signs of bed bug infestation, but if you think the pests are out of control consider contacting professional exterminators.

But, let’s see first what you can do to eliminate as many bed bugs as possible and get the good night’s sleep you crave.

What Are Bed Bug Traps?

Depending on the trap and its function, bed bug traps are meant to attract, catch, and kill bed bugs.

Bed bug infestations can start with just a few minor bites or even a single female specimen and spread quickly. Because bed bugs reproduce quickly and are very good at hiding, it’s nearly impossible to determine whether you have any unwanted guests in your house.

Most people detect a few red spots and bites in the morning and generally ignore the condition until it becomes serious. So, if you don’t want to deal with harsh chemicals or spend money on expert exterminators, you may solve the problem with a few traps.

Traps will reduce the number of bites and allow you to assess the extent of the infestation.

Types of Bed Bug Traps

Depending on your residence and the intensity of the bed bug infestation, you may want to consider several types of bed bug traps. Each one is intended to reduce the number of bugs while also allowing you to evaluate the efficiency of other strategies you are employing.

Bed Bug Interceptor Traps

Interceptor traps are the best bed bug traps for bed legs and one of the best methods to keep bed bugs at bay. 

The plastic pitfall trap is positioned beneath the bed legs, where bugs climb up to feed at night. Bed bugs can emerge from their hiding locations and crawl into the interceptor trap, but they are unable to exit because of the smooth interior walls of the trap.

Interceptor traps are an excellent alternative for those who wish to monitor the infestation and determine whether or not there are any bed bugs in the home. Because they are composed of high-quality plastic, the interceptor traps may be used repeatedly.

The interceptors are completely eco-friendly and contain no pesticides.

Interceptor trap under the bed.

Bed Bug Glue Traps

Bed bugs are little, flat insects that can fit into every nook and crevice, including your bed, mattress, headboard, and linens. Bed bugs may be undetectable to the naked eye due to their size, but they are readily caught with sticky glue traps. All of the bugs lurking in your bed or other locations will ultimately emerge to feed, therefore the best method to catch them all is with strategically placed sticky traps.

For optimal success, place a few traps about your room, on the floor, and between the mattress and the bed frame.

DIY Traps

DIY traps may appear to be inexpensive and handy, but they are rarely effective.

People who use yeast and sugar to attract bugs must be especially cautious about the amounts. It may not be hazardous, but it may quickly get messy.

On the other hand, you may hear that simple tape may be used as glue traps, but this will not catch the bugs. Pests frequently dodge such traps or just flee since the adhesive is insufficiently strong.

When dealing with persistent and huge infestations, it is preferable to invest in high-quality, proven-effective solutions than manufacturing your own instruments. If you pick the appropriate methods from the start, you will save a lot of money and your health.

The Best Bed Bug Traps

Now that we’ve covered the most popular bed bug traps, we’ll look at the best selections on the market and why they’re so effective.

1. EcoPest Bed Bug Interceptors

Sturdy and reusable interceptor cups that are easy to install and even easier to clean. The EcoPest bed bug interceptors are by far the most popular and effective trap you can use to monitor and manage bed bug infestation.

Ecopest interceptor traps

2. ShieldFlex Interceptors

ShieldFlex bed bug interceptors are constructed with a thicker base plate than others on the market. This allows for them to accommodate heavier pieces of furniture without cracking. The ShieldFlex brand is one of the most highly-reviewed brands of bed bug traps.

3. SenSci ActivVolcano

The SenSci ActivVolcano is a simple, discrete, and highly popular bed bug attraction and capture device that can attract up to double the number of bed bugs and may be utilized in any environment.

4. CatchMaster - The Slider™

Unique design and creative solutions allow you to monitor and eliminate bed bugs from your bed and mattress. The slider is a great addition to your tools to fight against bed bugs and with the clear window on the trap, you can see all the pests captured right away.

5. ClimbUp Insect Interceptors

ClimbUp bed bug interceptors come in various shapes, sizes and colors. This brand carries a “discrete” model which is smaller than most and ideal for those not wanting to bring attention to a possible bed bug infestation.

In addition to the traps mentioned above, other well-known brands such as HotShot, BuggyBeds, and PF Harris manufacture bed bug glue traps.

Bed bugs are one of the most common pests in the United States, and while many people get a severe infestation sooner or later, some worry about the possible health risks. With so many itchy bites each morning it’s common to wonder if bed bugs are dangerous.

Luckily, we have all the information you need in one place. We’ll discover the possible health risks when it comes to bed bugs and some of the best ways to get rid of them completely.

Let’s go!

Bed bugs and development stages.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are flat and brownish insects without wings. They might be one of your home’s most common and resilient pests, but people often confuse them with other bugs. 

Bed bug infestations can become severe in a couple of weeks, so it’s crucial to manage the pests as soon as you notice any signs that bed bugs are present. This can include itchy bite marks, blood stains on the sheets, or even adult bed bugs and bed bug eggs.

In order to live, reproduce and thrive, bed bugs need blood, and they especially love human hosts. So, naturally the most common place you can find bed bugs are the rooms you reside in the most or better said – your bedroom.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Bed bugs are a persistent nuisance, but they are not considered a direct danger to your health. While most bed bug infestations begin with a few itchy bites, you will soon discover that their numbers rise exponentially if you don’t use the appropriate tools and traps to eliminate pests.

So, bed bugs are not dangerous, but they are quite annoying and unpleasant.

In addition, some people develop severe allergic reactions to the proteins in the saliva that bed bugs produce while biting and feeding. So, even though many will only have a few red bumps, some individuals can require medical attention.

Bed bug size.

Do Bed Bugs Spread Disease?

Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases. Bed bugs may be bothersome because they cause itching and disrupt sleep. Itching can occasionally cause excessive scratching, which might raise the risk of subsequent skin infection.

So, unlike other crawlers such as roaches, you won’t get an infection directly, but you might have severe skin conditions that need to be treated.

How Do I Know If a Bed Bug Has Bitten Me?

It’s difficult to tell if an insect bite is from a bed bug or another bug. 

Bed bugs are active at night and feast on your blood while you sleep. To consume, bed bugs employ a specific anesthetic and an anticoagulant in their saliva, which allows for improved blood flow. These substances block the pain receptors in our skin, and most individuals detect red and itchy bites the next morning or even a couple of days later.

Furthermore, some people have no sensitivity to bed bug bites, whilst others are more susceptible to the protein. This is one of the reasons you should use interceptor or glue traps to confirm the infestation before deciding on the best strategy to deal with the pests.

What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly?

There are many ways to eliminate bed bugs from your home and especially from your bedroom. Most of the time if the infestation is not severe you can use bed bug interceptors and glue traps to confirm, monitor, and eliminate many bed bugs at once.

If the infestation is becoming severe you have a couple of options:

1. Use heat

Bed bugs and the eggs they lay are very sensitive to high temperatures, so you can use tools to fight the infestation with heat. Bed bug heaters penetrate all the places in your room for optimal results and complete elimination of bed bugs.

Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and only use reliable heaters.

2. Use bed bug-killing sprays

Aside from heat, there are several bed bug-killing sprays on the market that quickly kill all bed bugs that come in touch with it. Avoid harsh chemicals and pesticides by choosing safe and environmentally friendly options.

3. Call pest control

If the infestation is serious and you don’t want to deal with the bugs on your own, calling professional pest control is always a smart choice. The exterminator crews are equipped with specialized gear and have the necessary skills to deal with the problem quickly and efficiently.

Pest control professionals.


Bed bugs are not the most hazardous pests, but they are persistent, unpleasant, and can disrupt sleep and even trigger serious allergic reactions in certain individuals. That is why you must eliminate bed bugs as soon as possible in order to enjoy the pleasant night’s sleep you require.

Are you waking up tired and full of itchy bites? 

You might be one of the millions who struggle with the notorious pest called bed bug. This might be a common insect in United State homes, but it’s nevertheless annoying and very disturbing to homeowners.

That’s why we have a dedicated place that will help you learn how to identify bed bugs and find the best solution for this infestation.

Let’s jump right in!

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are little, brownish insects that dwell in areas where humans are mostly present, such as bedrooms, motels, and other places where they have easy access to food. Keep in mind that bed bugs need our blood to survive and thrive so they developed several “hunting” strategies. Bed bugs can smell the carbon dioxide (“CO2”) we expel from our lungs and the hormones we make as warm-blooded creatures.

While bed bugs might sometimes look like other bugs in different development stages, they are quite unique, flat, and very hard to get rid of. In addition, bed bugs are very hungry and leave itchy bite marks every night, and some people even have severe allergic reactions. 

So, proper management and pest control is a must when it comes to bed bugs.

Signs of a Bedbug Infestation

Most of the time people suspect they might have unwanted guests in their bed when they wake up with itchy bites in the morning, but those bite marks can be caused by other insects. 

So, there are a few more ways to check for bed bugs. 

Here are a couple of suggestions that might reveal the infestation:

  • The bites have left bloodstains on your linens;
  • Excrement markings that are very dark and rusty on linens, beds, and even walls;
  • Eggshells, skin flakes, and fecal stains on bed frames and other surfaces;
  • An unpleasant scent caused by the smell glands of the bugs;

How to Identify Bed Bugs?

Many people are wondering what bed bugs look like, but before we dive into details it’s best to develop a strategy to catch them, confirm the infestation and deal with it in the right way. Here are all the steps you need to take as soon as you notice early signs of bed bugs in your home.

Set Up Traps

If you notice any of the signs mentioned above but don’t see an adult bedbug you need to capture it first. Set up durable interceptor traps under each bed leg and add a few sticky traps for bed bugs on the floor and between your mattress and the bed frame.

These types of traps are the fastest and most efficient way to capture crawlers that disturb you during the night and help you with the identification process.

Identify the Insects

Bed bugs are not able to escape from the interceptor traps as they are not good climbers, and the adhesive on the glue traps will hold them there permanently. The bed bugs look like small, very flat, and brownish bugs without any wings.

Take a closer look at the bed bug pictures presented above and confirm you are dealing with these pests.

Find the Solution

Once you confirm the infestation you can put back the interceptor and glue traps, as they will eliminate all the bed bugs that come out to feed during the night.

Considering bed bugs are very persistent and multiply fast you should also focus on:

Final Thoughts

Now you know how to identify the bed bugs in your home, bedroom, or any other place that might be under infestation. Bed bugs might be small and able to hide in the tiniest holes but there are ways to discover and manage the nasty pests in just a few easy steps.

Our detailed guide will help you detect and eliminate most of the bed bugs, but if you need additional help it’s always a good idea to call professional exterminators. Visit Best In Pest Control to get free quotes from the top exterminators in your area.